Godfrey’s Pond Open House May 24, 2015

This coming Sunday May 24 is an open house at Godfrey’s Pond.   This is the first of two open houses that they will be having this year.   As many of you know we have been members since we heard about them a few years ago.  A couple friends had mentioned it so we called to get a tour and joined on the spot.   We absolutely love it there.

The open house is: Sunday May 24, 2015 1 PM – 5 PM
We will be set up with a modest selection of products in support of the club for the open house.

We will also have registration forms for our upcoming survival class that I will be teaching there.

Please help us grow, like us on facebook and share with your friends.

Thank you for all for your support,
The SurvivalGuy

Thank you for all or your support,
Adam the SurvivalGuy

As a reminder you can always see our schedule on the Calendar/Events page.

Please help us grow, like us on Please like us on facebook and share with your friends.

I am an avid outdoorsman. I have been outdoors since I was a kid. I was in Boy Scouts until we moved during my junior year of high school. At which point I was Life rank starting to work toward Eagle. I have been camping, hunting, fishing, hiking as long as I can remember. I have done presentations and workshops with groups ranging from children to adults. I have done several presentations/demonstrations in regards to fire making and knot tying (most popular) and many other topics. I have worked with a variety of scouts and leaders. We had a preparedness group where we would discuss various topics related to being prepared, canning, gardening, natural disasters, etc. I truly enjoy sharing the knowledge I have with others.

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